Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Wow, time flies when you're rarely at home. My week away from the computer was wonderful but now I'm regretting the two-month "vacation" I requested from our internet provider. My cell phone is over 4 years old and, needless to say, there's nothing "smart" about it. So when I don't have internet I'm so very disconnected. It's humbling, really. And frustrating. To not be able to look up a phone number or mapquest directions or send an e-mail. And then I have all these sticky notes all over reminding me to do this or that next time I have internet access, and it's adding to my already cluttered counters.

I can confidently say that this forced hiatus won't last long. However, I really like not having an online class right now as an excuse to leave my computer on 24/7. Turning it off before bed makes it much less likely that I'm going to jump online first thing in the morning.

Anyway, some things I missed while I was away.

1.) My friend Jami has a photography blog and she's great. They're doing a giveaway and I'd love to win a photoshoot for Ross and me! Casual pictures taken outdoors are by no means a requirement for engagement or marriage, but it's something I was really looking forward to that we never did. So. Check out the giveaway. But don't enter too many times, lest you lower my odds of winning ;-)

2.) Speaking of Jami, she wrote a post on modesty recently (it's called the trouble with looking sexy). After attending a fireworks show this weekend and seeing far too many teenagers and young adults in shortshort shorts and belly/back/you-name-it baring shirts, I wholeheartedly agree. Respect yourself and the men in your life by adding a little modesty to your wardrobe!

3.) My friend Robin nominated me for a little blog award (literally, an award for writers with small and/or new blogs). Once I get the aforementioned internet situation rectified, I'll add the widget. Thanks, Robin!

4.) Words cannot express how much I need a vacation. A real vacation from real life.

5.) Happy birthday to my dearest Dad! Wish I was there to celebrate with you!

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