Sunday, September 12, 2010

8 Vials of Blood

Freshman year of college, I went to a campus blood drive to donate and ended up signing up to be a bone marrow donor. I didn't really give it a second thought after that. But last week, I had several urgent messages from a woman in Ft. Worth wanting to know if I was still interested in donating. Apparently I'm a possible match for a 20 year old with leukemia.

Tomorrow morning, I go to the lab to get 100ml of blood drawn. I know that's not a lot compared to donating blood, which I've also done, but it sounds like a lot right now. After all, we give 8ml blood transfusions to our smallest babies in the NICU! 100 is a lot in our tiny world.

I'm also nervous because they will be scrutinizing every possible number on my lab results (and, of course, genetic markers) to see if I'm a good match.  More than wanting all my numbers to be perfect, I want to be good enough to help!

Please pray that this keeps moving forward and I can help someone during such a desperate time. I know I'm not even a definite match, but I already feel really good about signing up to be a donor. I highly recommend it! It's humbling to know that I could literally save someone's life with generosity.

1 comment:

  1. I signed up 4 years ago after a blood drive at work. I'm also an organ donor.
